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Mastering Angular Services: A Guide for Beginners

Welcome to my Angular course! If you’ve been following along, you know that we’ve covered directives, including attribute directives and structural directives.

We’ve even created our own custom directives! Now, it’s time to move on to a key concept in Angular that will simplify your app development: Services.

What Are Angular Services?

In simple terms, services in Angular are like a central repository for reusable logic. Think of them as a way to avoid repeating yourself when writing code.

Instead of writing the same functionality across multiple components, services allow you to define that logic once and reuse it wherever needed. This approach makes your code cleaner and easier to maintain.

Why Do We Need Services?

Imagine this scenario: you’re developing a large Angular app. Every time you add a new user or change a name, you need to log some data. You could write console.log statements in multiple places.

But what happens if you want to change how data is logged? You’d have to go through each component and modify the logic in every location.

This is where services come in handy. Instead of duplicating the same code everywhere, you can create a service that contains the logic and call it whenever needed.

Let’s break it down with an example.

Example: Logging Data Without a Service

In your Angular app, say you want to log a message whenever a user is added or a name is changed. Here’s how you might initially approach it:

// Inside your component
addUser() {
  console.log("User is added");
  // Additional logic...

changeName() {
  console.log("Name is changed");
  // Additional logic...

This works fine for now. But what if the logging logic becomes more complex? What if you want to log to a database or an external service instead of just the console? You would have to modify both the addUser and changeName methods—and anywhere else you’re logging data. This quickly becomes tedious and error-prone.

Enter Angular Services

With Angular services, you can centralize this logging logic in one place. Here’s how you can create a logging service to manage your logging.

  1. Create a Service: Start by creating a new service file:
ng generate service logging

This will create a logging.service.ts file. Inside that file, define a class that handles the logging:

export class LoggingService {
  logToConsole(status: string) {
  1. Use the Service: Instead of writing the logging logic in multiple places, inject this service into your components:
import { LoggingService } from './logging.service';

export class UserComponent {
  constructor(private loggingService: LoggingService) {}

  addUser() {
    this.loggingService.logToConsole("User is added");
    // Additional logic...

  changeName() {
    this.loggingService.logToConsole("Name is changed");
    // Additional logic...

Now, whenever you need to log something, you simply call the service’s logToConsole method. If the logging logic needs to change, you only need to update the service, and the change will be applied everywhere it’s used.

Benefits of Using Services

  • Reusability: Write your code once and use it across multiple components.
  • Maintainability: Changes in logic can be made in one place and will automatically reflect everywhere.
  • Separation of Concerns: Keep your components focused on the UI and business logic, while the service handles specialized tasks like logging or data handling.

The Right Way: Dependency Injection

Although creating a service and manually importing it into your components works, Angular offers a more powerful and elegant solution: Dependency Injection (DI).

DI allows Angular to automatically provide services to your components without you needing to instantiate them yourself.

This approach improves efficiency and makes your app more scalable.

We’ll dive deeper into dependency injection in the next post, where I’ll show you how to implement services the right way in Angular.

Wrapping Up

In this blog post, we’ve explored the basics of Angular services, why they’re useful, and how to create one. To recap:

  • A service is a central place to store reusable logic.
  • Using services avoids duplicating code in multiple components.
  • Services make your app more maintainable and scalable.